• Dispelling the Fog from the Identity of Gog & Magog

    Ground-breaking research building on the work of Imam Anwar Shah Kasnmiri and Sh Imran Hossein. This article was the first to propose the shocking theory that the Vikings and their descendants are the Gog & Magog people prophesized in the Quran.

  • Islamic History Textbook

    Teach Islamic History from the inception of Islam in the 7th century right up to the 20th century
    The history of Islamic and Western civilizations are best understood in relation to each other. That is why this textbook covers not only Islamic history but the history of the West as well.

  • Age of Sayyida Aisha at Marriage

    Compelling evidence that Sayyida Aisha was over 15 years old when her marriage to the Prophet (peace and mercy be upon him) was consummated.
    Article – video – podcast

  • Shaykh Ridhwan ibn Saleem

    Islamic scholar and Consultant Psychiatrist, Dr RIdhwan is the principal teacher at LCI.
    Full biographical details, qualifications, and publications of Dr RIdhwan…

Welcome to London College of Islamic Studies

Welcome to a unique centre in London where you can study the sacred Islamic sciences to the highest level with traditionally-qualified scholars.
At LCI, we believe that true knowledge is a living, transformative knowledge, not merely a dry academic pursuit.

Our Faculty

Imam Sulayman Van Ael Senior Lecturer in Islamic Studies

Imam Van Ael traveled the world to seek knowledge and gained ijazah (teaching licenses) in various disciplines from scholars from Sudan, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and Jordan (where he received ijazah from the Grand Mufti of Amman to give religious verdicts).

You can visit Imam Van Ael’s website here.

Shaykh Jawad Khalid Senior Lecturer in Theology
Shaykh Dr Muhammad Akram Nadwi Visiting Senior Lecturer & Patron


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Sister Organisations

London College is set up and run by Ha Meem Foundation, a registered UK charity.
We share our headquarters with Lady Nafisa School, a secondary Muslim girls school in West London.

Ha Meem FoundationLady Nafisa School

Why Choose Us?

Intellectually Diverse

We believe that the Sunni community (ahl al-sunnah wal-jama’ah) are unique in their tolerance of difference of opinion and, in fact, this is what defines us.

Convergence of traditional and modern

“Stop there they stopped, then proceed” – title of a paper by Sh Dr Umar Abdullah of North America.

Recognized for our Scholarship

Our main teachers are well-known scholars who are respected in the wider community of scholars and general Muslim public. 

Globally Focused

‘Surely this community of yours is one community, and I am your Lord; so serve Me.’

Quran 21:92

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